Color Ray Frequencies
H E A L I N G - A R T - P R O G R A M S - CARDS
Color Ray Frequencies
H E A L I N G - A R T - P R O G R A M S - CARDS

Services: Intuitive Reiki Healing
Services: Intuitive Reiki Healing

Energetic Art - Chakra flow
As a Reiki practitioner (1 and 2) I have experienced Reiki as an amazing way to heal, but also feel that there is not one way of healing. That is why I offer Intuitive Reiki healing, a combination of the traditional Reiki and Intuitive healing from Source.
With intuitive Reiki healing sessions, I like to tune in on what it is that you need at this time and go from there. This could be a specific problem you are facing, recurring issues in your life (or family), emotional or physical disharmony. The things we experience on the 3D level, in the physicality is always an outcome of something that is blocked or stuck; not flowing in our energy bodies.
A lot of times before we can heal the issue that shows itself in our lives, needs healing on a much deeper level first before we can start on what is more obvious to us; that we are consciously aware of. Our chakra’s hold so much information, that goes beyond lifetimes and lifetimes and/or even dimensions. We might need to heal/clear up some of that very old first to begin to start and heal the things from this live.
This means that depending on your issues/problems, it might take more than one session to get things cleared and healed. There is no one-size-fits-all or easy-fix approach when it comes to healing, it takes willingness, dedication, commitment and time.
A lot of times before we can heal the issue that shows itself in our lives, needs healing on a much deeper level first before we can start on what is more obvious to us; that we are consciously aware of. Our chakra’s hold so much information, that goes beyond lifetimes and lifetimes and/or even dimensions. We might need to heal/clear up some of that very old first to begin to start and heal the things from this live.
This means that depending on your issues/problems, it might take more than one session to get things cleared and healed. There is no one-size-fits-all or easy-fix approach when it comes to healing, it takes willingness, dedication, commitment and time.
My goal is always to assist bringing more Self-awareness of oneself,
When a client is open to receive I will provide tools to use use on a daily basis to help and stay more centered and grounded. This will support the healing from the sessions and has a better way of staying in that frequency which will have a positive effect in all areas of your life.
Everyone is the key to their own healing, I AM here to help you find your way back to love and light and the wholeness you already are. You deserve to have a loving and joyful live! Without fear and pain. If you are open and willing to change, send me a message and let's start today in creating more light in your life!
Please contact me if this resonates with you, and you would like to know more. I am always offering a free, no-strings-attached 30-min Zoom tune in call to answer all your questions.

Prizes Intuitive Reiki Healing
Prizes Intuitive Reiki Healing
Before we begin our Intuitive Reiki healing session, I offer a 30-min tune in call. In which you talk about what you would like to change/heal, and I explain how the session will go.
90-min session, €97 (live or Zoom)
60-min session, €79 (live or Zoom)
30-min session, €43 (zoom)